3. Problem Solving Mindset #
Created Fri May 17, 2024 at 9:27 PM
Algorithms #
A step by step way to solve a task, is called an algorithm.
Data structure #
A container where data is arranged for fast access (whatever requirements), is called a data structure.
Stack #
Real world usage:
- Undo/redo operation
- Back on browser
Petrol pumps and blasts, with inflammable roads #
This Dijkstra’s algorithm.
Stuff #
Q1: Among all the topics of DS and A, what percentage do you/scaler teach in an intuitive way, like Blasts-and-Petrol? Like among the ~30 topics, how many? A: If a particular lecture has less attendance, then they try to make it intuitive.
Q2: Did you verify that blasts analogy really holds for the algorithm? A: Yes, but he does do a raw version, and makes clear the differences between blast analogy
Q3: Did you verify that blasts analogy really holds for the algorithm? A: Yes, but he does do a raw version, and makes clear the differences between blast analogy
Q4: Did you verify that blasts analogy really holds for the algorithm? A: Collections will be covered in the course.