1. Introduction to Tries #

Created Friday 06 March 2020

Prounced as tries(trys).

Basically for the hash function, we will take into account the length of the word length.

But, let us study Tries data structure for now.


  1. addWord()
  2. Search()
  3. removeWord()


  1. Insertion: O(word_length) - for all cases. Basic traversal of 26-ary tree. Keep making nodes, make the last letter as a final-node.
  2. Search: O(word_length) - for all cases. Traverse if possible, we should stop at a last-node.
  3. Removal: O(word_length) - for all cases. Basic traversal of 26-ary tree. Go to the last letter, than remove, if it is a leaf. Keep removing the parents, but only if they are non-parents and they are non-final. Both these cases mean that some other word can be formed from these nodes.
