3.0 For loop #

Created Tuesday 22 October 2019 structure of a for loop: init variable(s) while(check_condition){

incerement/decrement; }

structure for the for loop: for(init; condition_check; increment){

} for and while are exactly the same, except jargon. Advantages of a for loop:

  1. We tend to forget the increment condition, this helps in avoiding the mistake.
  2. It makes the code neater.


  1. All the three parts of the for are optional, we can skip one or more of them. But the three semicolons are **compulsory. **http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/control/
  2. In the initialization, we can initialize multiple variables, separated by commas. It’s(first expression’s) value does not matter anyway.
  3. In the check_condition, all boolean expressions have to be connected using bool operators only, no commas should be used.
  4. the increment part can have multiple increment parts separated by commas.

Running time:

State: The start state is the initializer. The end state is the checker or a break inside the body.

**A hard lesson: The order of content in a loop does matter. **