1 motivation
2 resources
3 roadmap
4 resource itineraries
1 CN Intro to Cpp
1. Flowcharts
0 index
1. Intro to flowcharts
2. Decision Making
3. Loops
4. Largest of N numbers
5. Assignments
10. Multidimensional Arrays
0 index
2. C++, W2H
1. About C++
2. Why learn C++
3. C++ Setup
3. main, Variables and Operators
0 index
1. First Program
2. Variables and data types
0 index
2.1 Type Aliases
2.2 Automatic Type Deductions
1. auto
0 index
2. decltype
4. How is the data stored
5. How are negative numbers stored
6. Operators
4. Conditionals and while loops
0 index
1. Conditionals
2. Farenheit to Celsius
3. Patterns
4. Pratice problems
1. Patterns 1
0 index
1. Pattern1
2. Square Patterns
3. Triangle Patterns
4. Character Pattern
5. Interesting Alphabets
2. Patterns 2
1. Mirror Triangles
2. Isosceles Triangle
3. More Patterns
5. For loop and bitwise ops
1. Bitwise Operator
2. Increment Operators
3.0 For loop
3.1 For each loop
4. Break and continue
5. Scope of variables
6. cin vs cin.get()
7. Assignments
6. Functions
0 index
1. What are functions
2. How function calling works
3. Scope of variables w.r.t functions
4. Call by Value
7. Arrays
0 index
1. Why arrays
2. More On Arrays
0 index
3. Arrays and memory
4. Arrays as function parameters
5. Assignments
8. Searching and Sorting
0 index
1.Linear Search
2. Binary Search
3. Merging two sorted arrays
4. Bubble Sort
5. Insertion Sort
6. Selection Sort
Analyzing sorting algorithms
0 index
9. Stringsx
2 CN Data Structures and OOP
1. Memory and Pointers
0 index
1. Pointers
0 index
1. Pointer Intro
2. Pointer Arithmetic
3. Arrays and Pointers
0 index
Assignment questions
4. Characters and Pointers
5. Function and Pointers
6. Nested pointer
0 index
7. Address Typecasting
8. References and Pass by Reference
2. Dynamic Memory Allocation
1. Dynamic Allocation
2. Dynamic Memory Allocation of 2D arrays
2. Time and Space Analysis
0 index
1. Time
1. Order Complexity Analysis
0 index
2. Linear Search Time Complexity
3. Insertion Sort
4. Selection Sort
5. Time complexity for recursive algorithms
0 index
6. Fibonacci is bad
2. Space
0 index
after assignments
3. Binary Search Trees
3. Recursion
1. Recursion Basics
0 index
1. Intro to Recursion
2. Recursion and PMI
3. Fibonacci Number
4. Recursion with Arrays
5. Approach for recursive problems
0 index
after assignments
lect assignments
2. Recursion Practice
3. Applications of Recursion
0 index
1. Recursion and Strings
0 index
ms and qs
2. Merge Sort
3. Quick Sort
4. Strings
0 index
1. Subsequences of Strings
0 index
2. Printing subsequence
0 index
after assignments
4. OOP Basics
0 index
1. Intro and syntax
0 index
1. Principles of OOP
2. Classes
3. Objects
4. Functions(in class)
1. Getters and Setters
0 index
2. Core member functions
5. this keyword
exercise ques
2. Special Functions
0 index
1. Constructor idea and syntax
0 index
1. The Copy constructor
0 index
1. Shallow and Deep copy
2. Feature Delegating constructors
2. Destructor
3. Special functions details
0 index
3. Member constraints
0 index
1. const
1. const fields Intialization List
2. const member functions
2. static
4. Operator overloading
0 index
1. Binary operator
2. Unary post
0 index
3. Unary pre
zAssignment Polynomial class
0 index
5. Separate Compilation
6. Approach for writing a class
5. Data Structures
1. Linear Data Structures
1. Vector aka Dynamic Array
2. Linked List
1. Linked List Basics
0 index
1. What are data structures and why are they important
2. What is a linked list
3. Basic Operations on LL
1. Length of LL (recursive)
2. Insert node at the ith position
3. Delete Node
4. Delete Node recursive
5. Insert Node recursive
6. Print the Linked List
8. Variations of LL
0 index
1. Linear Search in LL
2. AppendLastNToFirst
3. Eliminate dupicates from the array
4. Print LL in reverse
5. Palindrome Linked List
2. Popular LL problems
0 index
1. Midpoint of the LL
2. Merging two sorted LLs
3. Merge Sort on LL
4. Reverse LL(recursive)
5. Reverse LL using 2 pointers
6. Reverse LL recursive easiest
7. Reverse LL Iterative
3. Stack
0 index
1. Introduction to Stacks
2. Stack using arrays
0 index
3. Stack using dynamic arrays
0 index
4. Templates
0 index
5. Stacks with templates
0 index
6. Stack using LL
0 index
7. Inbuilt stack STL
0 index
4. Queue
0 index
1. Queue Introduction
0 index
2. Queue using Array Code
0 index
3. Queue using Dynamic Array Code
0 index
3. zNamespaces
4. Queue using LL
0 index
5. Inbuilt queue STL
0 index
zTest 2
2. Trees
1. Generic Trees
0 index
1. Introduction to trees
2. Coding a tree
1. TreeNode class
0 index
2. Destructor
3. IO for trees
1. Take input and print recursive
0 index
2. Take input levelwise
3. Output level wise
3. Tree params
1. Number of nodes
2. Height of a tree Exercise
3. Depth of a Node
0 index
4. Number of leaf nodes
0 index
4. Tree Traversals
0 index
2 .Binary trees
0 index
1. Intro to Binary trees
2. Coding a Binary Tree
2. Input
0 index
3. Printing a tree
0 index
3. Params
1. Count nodes
2. Diameter of a BInary tree
4. Traversals
0 index
5. Construction from traversal
1. Pre and In
0 index
2. Post and In
3. Level and In
0 index
3. Binary Search Trees
0 index
1. Intro to BST
2. Coding BST BST Node class
0 index
3. Search Operation in BST
4. Common BST questions
1. Check if BST
1. Check BST 1
0 index
2. Check BST 2
3. Check BST 3
2. Construct BST from sorted array
3. BST to sorted LL
4. Find Path
0 index
5. Variations of BST
0 index
1. AVL trees
0 index
3. Auxilary Data Structures
0 index
1. Priority Queue and Heap
0 index
1. Intro to priority queue
2. Intro to Heap
3. The two kinds of heaps
4. Complete Binary Trees
5. Heap Insertion and Deletion
7. In place heap
8. STL priority queue
9. Practice Problems
1. K sorted array
2. K smallest elements
2. Hashmaps
0 index
1. Intro to hashMaps
2. Bucket Array and hash functions
3. Collision Handling
4. Time complexity and time factor
5. Coding a hashMap
7. Question Infinite Stream
8. STL map and set
1. map and unordered map
0 index
2. set and unordered set
3. Iterators C++ Feature
3. Tries
0 index
1. Introduction to Tries
2. Coding a Trie
1. TrieNode class
2. Trie basic API
3. Types of Tries
0 index
4. Huffman Encoding
4. Graphs
1. Graphs Basics
1. Intro to graphs
2. Graph Terminology
3. Graph varieties
4. Coding a Graph
5. Basic Traversals
1. DFS
2. BFS
6. Basic path operations
1. Has Path
2. Get Path
7. Problem get connected components
2. Graphs 2
0 index
1. Intro to MST
2. Cycle Detection
0 index
2. MST algorithms
1. Kruskal's Algo Complexity
0. Sorting w.r.t a data member of a class
0 index
5. Prim's Algorithm
6. Dijkstra's Algorithm
5. C++ STL
0 index
1. pair
2. tuple
3. Bitset
6. Algorithm Design
0. Brute force
0 index
3. Design Techniques
1. Divide and Conquer
2. Greedy
3. Dynamic Programming
0 index
1. Fibonacci 1
0 index
2. Fibonacci 2
3. Min Steps to 1
4. DP summary
5. Practice Problems
0 index
1. Min Cost Path
2. Largest Common Subsequence
3. Edit Distance
4. NP Completeness
7. C++ Continued
0 index
1. Macros and Global Variables
0 index
questionnaire5 6 7
2. Inline and Default Arguments
3. const and constexpr
4. Exception Handling
0 index
8. OOP Continued
0 index
1. Relations between classes
0 index
1. Inheritance
1 Inheritance Concept
2 Access specifiers in inheritance
3 Syntax
4 Overriding, Overloading, Delegation
5 1 Types of Inheritance (specifier)
5 2 Types of Inheritance (level)
5 Types of Inheritance
6 Hybrid Inheritance
7 Liskov Substitution Principle 1
7 Liskov Substitution Principle
3 CN Competitive programming
1. CP intro and tools
1. Intro to Competitive Programming
1. What is CP
2. Why CP
3. Various Types of Errors
4. How to approach a problem in a competitive programming contest
0 index
a. Reading problem statements
b. IO Format
c. Constraints
0 index
2. Time and Space Complexity
0 index
1. Kadane's Algorithm
2. LeftRight Sum
3. IO Techniques
0 index
1. Console streams
2. C++ File streams
0 index
1. Writing to a file
2. Reading from a file
3. Serialization
3. General tricks
4. Language Tools
0 index
1. STL Data Structures
0. Conveniences
1. pair
2. tuple
0 index
1. Physical Data Structures
1. Vector
0 index
2. List
2. ADTs
2. String
4. Stack
5. Queue
6. Map
7. Set
0 index
8. Prioirty Queue
2. Functions
0 index
1. Sorting
2. Searching
0 index
3. Math functions
4. Utility functions
3. Hussain Set
0 index
10. TreesX
0 index
1. Tries
0 index
1. Tries and XOR
2. Maximum XOR value of subarray
2. Segment Tree
1. Introduction To Segment Tree
2. Building a segment tree
3. Update on a segment tree
4. Query on a Segment Tree
5. Size of a segment tree
0 index
0 index
3. Fenwick Tree
11. Number Theory
1. Modulo Arithmetic
0 index
1. Modulo operation
0 index
2. Modulo properties
3. Modulo properties continued
4. Exercise number of Binary Trees
0 index
2. Prime generator and GCD
1. Primes
1. Find prime numbers between 1 and N
2. Sieve of Eratosthenes
0 index
3. Complexity of Sieve of Eratosthenes
2. Euclid's Algo
1. GCD Euclid's Algorithm
2. Complexity of Euclid's GCD algorithm
3. Diophantine Equations
0 index
4. Extended Euclidean Algorithm
0 index
3. Multiplicative Modulo Inverse
4. Applications Of NT 1
1. Sachin and Varun
0 index
2. Advanced GCD
3. Totient Function
1. Euler's Totient Function
2. LCM Sum
4. Solving equations using NT
1. Optimized Power Function
0 index
2. Modular exponentiation
0 index
3. Matrix Exponentiation
0 index
1. Matrix Exponentiation More Recurrence Relation
2. Matrix Expo Fibonacci Sum
4. Fermat's Little Theorem
0 index
5. Wilson's Theorem
6. Income on the Nth day
12. Game Theory
1. Intro to Game Theory
2. Game of Nim
3. Proof of Nim Formula
4. Grundy Numbers
5. Sprague Grundy Theorem
6. MinMax Algorithm
13. Computational Geometry
0 index
1. Intro to Computational Geometry
2. Distance betwn point and line
3. Area of a polygon
4. Intersection of two lines
5. Convex Hull
14. FFT
15. HLD
0 index
1. Intro to HLD
2. Basics of HLD
3. Importance of HLD
4. Complexity of operations
2. Unconventional use of Searching And Sorting
0 index
1. Aggressive Cows
2. Inversion Count
0 index
3. chef
0 index
4. Variation
0 index
5. Murder
0 index
6. Momos Market
7. Distribute Candies
distribute candies
8. Taj Mahal Entry
0 index
3. RecursionX
1. BackTracking
0 index
1. N Queens Problem Exercise
0 index
2. Rat And Maze problem
0 index
3. Sudoku Puzzle
0 index
4. Crossword Problem
0 index
2. BackTracking Assignment BackTracking, Binary Search And Merge Sort Problems
1. Find Power of number
2. Sorting the Skills
3. Collecing the balls
4. Sudoku Solver
4. Bit Manipulation
0 index
1. Shift Operators
0 index
2. Remaining Bitwise Operators
0 index
3. ith bit
0 index
4. Flipping a specific bit
5. Check if oddeven
6. Check if number is power of 2
7. First Set bit
8. Clear all bits from the LSB
5. Adhoc Problems
0 index
1. Equalize CodeForces
0 index
2. Rectangular Area
0 index
3. Light up the bulbs
0 index
4. Circular List of students
0 index
5. Interesting Sequences
0 index
6. Winning Strategy
0 index
6. Dynamic ProgrammingX
0 index
1. Classic problems
0 index
1. DP Basics Fibonacci Number
0 index
2. AlphaCode
0 index
3. Longest Increasing subsequence
0 index
4. Largest Bitonic Subsequence
0 index
5. Coin change and stair case
0 index
6. Minimum Cost
0 index
7. Magic Grid
0 index
Assignments 1
1. Loot Houses 80
2. Maximum Square Matrix With All Zeros 80
3. Count BSTs 80
4. Boredom 80
5. Minimum Number of Chocolates 80
6. Minimum Count 80
Assignments 2
1. Hasan and Trip 40
2. Vanya and GCD 40
3. Adjacent Bit Counts 80
4. Roy and Coin Boxes 80
5. Jon Snow and his favourite number 80
6. Alyona and Spreadsheet 80
7. Angry Children 80
2. Practice Problems
Assignment 1
1. LCS Problem 80
2. Edit Distance Problem 80
3. Balika Vadhu Problem 120
4. Knapsnack Problem 120
5. PARTY Problem 80
6. Subset Sum Problem 40
Assignment 2
1. Miser Man 40
2. Trader Profit 80
3. Charlie and Pilots 80
4. Square Brackets 80
5. Distinct Subsequences 120
6. Smallest Super Sequence 80
7. Shortest Subsequence 80
3. DP & Bitmasking
0 index
1. What is bitmasking
2. More about Bitmasking
3. Dynamic Programming with Bitmasking
4. Code Memoization and Recursion
0 index
7. Greedy Method
1. Introduction to Greedy technique
0 index
2. Minimum Absolute difference in an array
Assignment 1
1. Min. Absolute Difference In Array 40
2. Nikunj and Donuts 40
3. Activity Selection 80
4. Fractional Knapsack 40
5. Weighted Job Scheduling 80
Assignment 2
1. Perimeter with conditions 40
2. Problem discussion 40
3. Winning Lottery 40
8. GraphsX
1. Connected Components
2. Permutation Swaps
3. Connected Horses
4. Strongly connected components
5. Bottom of the graph
6. Bipartite Graph
7. Fill Matrix
9. String Algorithms
1. Pattern Matching Basics
2. KMP algorithm
0 index
3. Z algorithm for pattern matching
0 index
3. Resources
The Algorithm Design Manual Skiena
Introduction to Algorithm Design
Robot Tour Optimization
Selecting the right jobs
Reasoning about Correctness
Induction And Recursion
Modeling the Problem
Proof by Contradiction
About the War Stories
War Story Psychic Modeling
Algorithm Analysis
RAM model of computation
Advanced Analysis
Big Oh notation
Growth rates and dominance relations
Working with Big Oh
Reasoning about efficiency
Logarithms and their applications
Properties of Logarithms
War Story Mystery of the Pyramids
The Role of Algorithms in Computing
Getting Started
Growth of Functions
Divide and Conquer
Math assumptions
Recurrence equations
Probabilistic Analysis and Randomized Algorithms
Sorting and Order Statistics
Sorting in Linear Time
Medians and Order Statistics
Data Structures
Elementary Data Structures
Hash Tables
Binary Search Trees
Red Black Trees
Augmenting Data Structures
Advanced Design and Analysis Techniques
Dynamic Programming
Greedy Algorithms
Amortized Analysis
Advanced Data Structures
B Trees
Fibonacci Heaps
van Emde Boas Trees
Data Structures for Disjoint Sets
Graph Algorithms
Elementary Graph Algorithms
Minimum Spanning Trees
Single Source Shortest Paths
All Pairs Shortest Paths
Maximum Flow
Selected Topics
Multithreaded Algorithms
Matrix Operations
Linear Programming
Polynomials and the FFT
Number Theoretic Algorithms
String Matching
Computational Geometry
NP Completeness
Approximation Algorithms
Scaler Paid
Meet and Greet
1 Growth path UI fullstack
Growth path senior BE
Problem Solving Mindset
Time Complexity
Array techniques
Arrays 1D
Arrays 2D
HLD Basics and Consistent Hashing
Consistent Hashing
Caching continued 1
Caching continued 2
CAP Theorem
Course timeline
Guest Talks
Guest Talk 1
5 projects
6 setup
obsidian templates
title and date
Divide n Conquer
Data Structures
15. HLD
Created Monday 22 June 2020
Heavilide decomposition. FIXME