Index of Introduction_to_C++ # 1. Flowcharts 1. Intro to flowcharts 2. Decision Making 3. Loops 4. Largest of N numbers 5. Assignments Conclusion 2. C++, W2H 1. About C++ 2. Why learn C++ 3. C++ Setup 3. main, Variables and Operators 1. First Program 2. Variables and data types 2.1 Type Aliases 2.2 Automatic Type Deductions 1. auto 2. decltype 4. How is the data stored 5. How are negative numbers stored 6. Operators 4. Conditionals and while loops 1. Conditionals 2. Farenheit to Celsius 3. Patterns 4. Pratice problems 1. Patterns 1 1. Pattern1 2. Square Patterns 3. Triangle Patterns 4. Character Pattern 5. Interesting Alphabets 2. Patterns 2 1. Mirror Triangles 2. Isosceles Triangle 3. More Patterns 5. For loop and bitwise ops 1. Bitwise Operator 2. Increment Operators 3.0 For loop 3.1 For each loop 4. Break and continue 5. Scope of variables 6. cin vs cin.get() 7. Assignments 6. Functions 1. What are functions 2. How function calling works 3. Scope of variables w.r.t functions 4. Call by Value 7. Arrays 1. Why arrays 2. More On Arrays 3. Arrays and memory 4. Arrays as function parameters 5. Assignments 8. Searching and Sorting 1.Linear Search 2. Binary Search 3. Merging two sorted arrays 4. Bubble Sort 5. Insertion Sort 6. Selection Sort Analyzing sorting algorithms Assignments 9. Stringsx 10. Multidimensional Arrays Assignments Home