4. Crossword Problem #

Created Friday 26 June 2020

Crossword Problem CodingNinjas has provided a crossword of 10*10 grid. The grid contains ‘+’ or ‘-’ as its cell values. Now, you are also provided with a word list that needs to placed accurately in the grid. Cells marked with ‘-’ are to be filled with word list. Note: We have provided such test cases that there is only one solution for the given input. Input format: The first 10 lines of input contain crossword. Each of 10 lines has a character array of size 10. Input characters are either ‘+’ or ‘-’. The next line of input contains the word list, in which each word is separated by ‘;’. Output format: Print the crossword grid, after placing the words of word list in ‘-’ cells. Sample Test Cases: Sample Input 1:


Sample Output 1:



Has a weird error.