4. Strongly connected components #

Created Sunday 26 July 2020

Strongly connected component(SCC) An SCC is a maximal strongly connected subgraph.

In other words: A connected subgraph where all pairs of vertices have a path between them, such that no larger(i.e containing more vectices) connected subgraph is possible containing the same vertices.

SCCs can be thought of as self-contained cycles.

Example of SCCs Note

  1. How to find SCCs for a give graph?
  2. Kosaraju’s algorithm - Returns strongly connected components of a directed graph.

Kosaraju’s Algorithm #

  1. Perform DFS and store completely visited vertex in a stack.
  2. While doing DFS, transpose the graph(All in-edges become out-edges and vice-versa).
  3. Perform DFS w.r.t the stack. A new component is created for a popped unvisited element, else just popped.


How does Kosaraju’s algorithm work? #

  1. In our stack, top will be filled by vertices from a component with an outgoing edge. This is for sure going to happen. Property of DFS and our stack selection.
  2. In the transpose the outgoing will become in-edges. So the components(with vertex near the top) will be caught. The other component vertices are now open. But all others are now visited. The components are therefore fully isolated.

T.C → Same as DFS → O(V)