2. Inline and Default Arguments #

Created Thursday 26 December 2019

Some more helpul things in cpp.

Ternary operator #

This is used to write if else loop(s) in a concise way.

logical_expression ? value1 : value2;

**Use-cases: **

  1. During assignment;
  2. For general cases, in cout, cin etc. Prefer to use parentheses to avoid confusion.

**Disadvantage: **The readability decreases, while performance is the same as using if else. It should be used only for simple statements.

Inline functions #

inline f(int a)
	// some code

Case: Suppose we the maximum of two integers, but for such a small thing, calling a function would be an unnecessary overhead. There’s something called inline functions, where our code is expanded at the place of the function call(called in-place expansion). **Expansion criteria: **The compiler decides if the function is suitable for expanding inline or performing a normal function call. If the function is bulkier, then the compiler will treat the function as a normal function, and no in-place expansion will take place. So using **inline **is only a request, and does not guarantee if the compiler will perform in-place expansion for the function.

**Q) **Why don’t we use all functions as inline irrespective of size, i.e why to use normal functions. **A) **This is logic not helpful, because in-place expansion **does **increase the **size of the executable **file, which can be a bottleneck at many platforms. Like Arduino etc, where memory is expensive/less.

Default arguments #


int f(int x =0, int y = 0, int z) # error


void f(int=2, int=23); // omitting variable name is OK

int main(){	f(); return 0}

void f(int x, int y){} 		// OK
void f(int x=2, int y=23){} // error

If no prototyping is done, then include the default args.


int sum(int x, int y, int z = 0);
int sum(int x, int y, float z = 0.0);
int main()
	sum(1,2,3); // ambiguos - int(3) or float(3), can't decide
int f(int x=2, int y=3) {}
int f(){}
int main()
	f(); // ambiguous f(x=2, y=3) or f()

Examples of default aguments:

// global variables
int glob = 2;
void i(int x=glob){}

// other functions
int g(){ return 2;};
void f(int h=g()){} // another function - OK