2. --Coding BST - BST Node class #

Created Sunday 09 February 2020

We need the following data members:

  1. Root of the BST

We also need the following member functions:

  1. bool hasData(int data)

  2. void insertData(int data)

  3. BST data(int data).

  4. bool hasData(int data)

Here we need to search for the data, but how do we indicate our root, this we do by making a function with the same name, i.e overloading it with the root addres--------------------

  1. void insertData(int data)

Again we make a helper function in private, we insert nodes only as leaves, so no worries about changing the root.

  1. deleteData(int data)

Again, here we have 4 scenarios:

  1. We have root as NULL, do nothing. Return the root, as it is.
  2. We have a leaf which needs to be deleted. Delete it, return NULL.
  3. We have a non lead node to be deleted, two different solutions are possible
    1. Find the node with the largest value in the left subtree. Replace the root with the obtained max value. Call delete(max, root->left);
    2. Find the node with the smallest value in the right subtree. Replace the root with the obtained min value. Call
  4. If data < root->data, do root->left = deleteData(data, root->left)
  5. If data < root->data, do root->right = deleteData(data, root->right). Return root;

T.C = O(h) Doubt: Delete data works for the case of non leaf as well because we are always keeping the property of BST intact.
