11. Modules in JS #

Created Saturday 18 July 2020

Why #


What is a module #

A module is just a bit of code encapsulated in a file, and exported to another file.

How #

1. ES6 modules (this came later) #

  1. We had inline scripts in HTML - Reusability, pollution of the global namespace
  2. We had script tags src - Order has to be decided beforehand(dependency resolution), we have to keep the script tags in all HTML files, global namespace is polluted.
  3. Using IIFE, we have no pollution, but order is not important.
  4. Browserify, before deployment, this app bundled all of the JS files into a single massive file called bundle.js. This way, we wouldn’t have to worry about the namespace etc.
  5. In ES6 using Webpack, we can use export and import - Makes code easy to maintain.
	// js1
export const add = (a, b) => a+b;
export default function add(a, b){
	return a+b;

import {add} from './add'; // if normal 'export'
import add from './add'; // if 'export default'

import { add as k } from "./add"

import * as bundled from "./add"

2. Common JS modules (simplest) #

The ES6 syntax has not been implemented in CommonJS (the standard for modules that Node follows). An old syntax is followed by Node.

// Export - source
module.exports = 23;

// import
console.log(require(path)); // 23
let a = require(path);
console.log(a); // 230

Useful tip: If multiple things are passed, or if we need a tuple, an object may be exported.

// Export - Source file
const largeNumber = 5;
module.exports = {
	largeNumber: largeNumber;
} // everything to be exported is sent as an object

// Import - Destination file
const { largeNumbers } = require("source_file_path");
const a = largeNumbers;
a // can be used

Useful: CommonJS - what, why and how

If CommonJS is what JS used, how does React use ES6 syntax? #

Evidence: create-react-app installs babel-plugin-transform-modules-commonjs.