2. CSS Selectors #

Created Friday 08 May 2020

CSS selectors are used specify (“select”) HTML elements we want to style.

Types of selectors - overview #

There are 5 types of selectors:

  1. Simple selector - match by tagname, id or class
  2. Attribute selectors - match by attribute and/or value
  3. Combinator selector - match by relation, like sibling, parent etc.
  4. Pseudo-class selector - match by UI state, like hover.
  5. Pseudo-elements selectors - styles part of an element

Note: Don’t try to remember all the names, use as per requirement.

Syntax for using selectors #

1. Simple selectors #

  1. tag name§
  2. class(.) (somewhat specific - group of elements - irrespective of tag)
  3. id(#) - (we can use it only once - single) Note: ```

2. Attribute selector #

apply to all elements which have the attribute values set as the arg.

  1. only attribute ⇒ tag[attri]`
  2. attribute with value ⇒ tag[attri=“value”]
  3. attribute with value like⇒ tag[attri~=“value”]. It’s like regex ⇒ ^(starting with), $(ending with), *
img[alt] /* select all img elements that have an alt attribute*/

img[alt="server one down"] /* select img elements whose alt matches*/

img[alt^="image-"] /* select img elements whose alt starts with `image-`*/

3. Combinator selectors #

Select element(s) in relation to a selector/element.

  1. Descendant selector (space) -
    • A B
    • all Bs inside A
  2. Child selector (>) -
    • A > B
    • all Bs having A as parent
  3. Successive sibling selector (~)
    • A + B
    • all sibling Bs after A
  4. Successor sibling selector (+) -
    • A ~ B.
    • the B sibling after A

MAID: Successive ones are more specific. Future generation and siblings only. Just like normal trees.

4. Pseudo-class selector #

match by UI state, like hover. i.e. specifying style for a an element when it’s in a given state.

  1. a:link - unvisited(unclicked) link
  2. a:visited - visited(clicked) link
  3. a:hover - (Its an event, hover the mouse over X)
  4. a:active - (Applies while an element is being activated by the user. e.g, the time span between the press and release of the mouse button)
  5. X:last-child (Applied to an X, if it is the last child, of an element)
  6. X:first-child (Applied to the an X, if it is the first child, of an element)
  7. X:first-type-child (Applied to the first X, of each parent)

5. Pseudo element selectors #

select part of an element, like first letter, first line etc

  1. ``::after` - apply just after the element. Irrespective of the next sibling.
  2. ::before - apply just before the element. Irrespective of the next sibling.
  3. ::first-letter
  4. ::first-line
  5. ::selection - the portion selected by the user.

Note #

  1. To select all elements, use *. Examples:
    * { color: red; }
    *.name { color: red; }
    .name  { color: red; } /* equivalent */
    /* All children of p tags having class "name" */
    p > *.name { color: red; }
  2. !important (not recommended) - this is a value flag.
    p {	color: blue !important;}
  3. There’s nothing like pseudo ID, makes no sense as they are unique anyway.