1. Flexbox - 1D #

Created Tuesday 16 June 2020

Why flexbox? #

Lay out child elements in a single row/column.

Helps us keep everything at the correct place(in a row or in a column - 1D), without explicit settings.

Two good are:

  1. [CSS Tricks - Flexbox](https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/
  2. Flexbox froggy - game to learn flexbox

flexbox container (in row mode, the default) #

The axes and controls #

The main axis and cross axis have nothing to do with horizontal/vertical. They are set via the flex-direction property, default is row.

There are two kinds of things to control in flex #

  1. For the flex container - for positioning and laying out space to the flex items
  2. For the flex items - for setting their dimensions, optionally overriding container flex properties.

Resource for flex-box: Learn Flexbox in 15 Minutes