1. Writing stuff #

Created Wednesday 17 June 2020

Basic text constructs #

  1. h1 ⇒ heading, h6 is the smallest.
  2. p ⇒ paragraph tag, the attribute contenteditable="true" is omitted generally.
  3. strong ⇒ bold text
  4. em ⇒ italicized text
  5. <br /> ⇒ newline
  6. <hr /> ⇒ visible horizontal separator
  7. cite ⇒ citation (displayed as italicized)
  8. pre ⇒ pre-formatted or verbatim text
  9. <blockquote cite=""> ⇒ indented
  10. q ⇒ Quote, Italicized
  11. abbr ⇒ abbreviation. Short is new, <acronym> is obsolete.
  12. dfn ⇒ definition.

Code and scientific notation #

  1. eqn - for equations.
  2. code - Mostly the code is wrapped by a <pre> wrapped by a <code> element.
  3. samp The output of the code.
  4. var represents a variable.
  5. sub is used for subscript text. CH~4~.
  6. sup is used for superscript text. E=mc^2^.

HTML Entities #


Miscellaneous #

  1. <kbd> Ctrl+S </kbd> for keybindings.
  2. address ⇒ italicizes the address.
  3. Use the title attribute for abbreviations and citations. This usually adds a hover tooltip to the whole HTML element.

Demo #

	x = 5;<br>
	y = 6;<br>
	z = x + y;

<!-- samp - output of the program -->
<p>If you input wrong value, the program will return <samp>Error!</samp></p>

<!-- 2. kbd - represents keyboard input: For quick action, very important in PCs Rendered differenetly-->
<p>Save the document by pressing <kbd>Ctrl + S</kbd></p>

<!-- var helps us render a variable differently - italicised -->
Einstein wrote: <var>E</var> = <var>mc</var><sup>2</sup>.

See Output