10. How Does JS works #

Created Saturday 18 July 2020

Sample Interview questions:

There are two basic mechanisms in a computer:

  1. Memory Heap - Memory is limited, so we need a garbage collector - To avoid memory leaks(unused memory) - This is why global variables are discouraged.
  2. Call stack - This is used to control the program flow, including recursion. Including function removal after execution.

Asynchronous helps us tackle potentially blocking LOC. How to program asynchronously?

  1. Using a timeout for the blocking sections of the code. >

JavaScript Run-Time Environment

How did the code run:

  1. console.log(‘1’) got executed by the call stack.
  2. The next line was a timeout, so Timeout API waited for 2 second, we were then ready to run the code.
  3. The timeout code was sent to the Callback-queue(which is a queue of processes ready to run)
  4. The event loop actually keeps on checking if the call stack is empty, and if it pops a process from the callback queue to the call stack.
  5. During these 2 second, the call stack ran the code below line by line.

Practial examples of asynchronous:

  1. Synchronous - We call a teacher and wait for the teacher to pick up and answer, but do noting while their phone is ringing. Asynchronous - We text the teacher and keep doing our work. The teacher responds when they are free.
  2. Reading files, network requests.