4. Multimedia tags #

Created Tuesday 01 September 2020

Available multimedia types are:

  1. image
  2. video
  3. audio
  4. iframe
  5. PDF via browser level core plugins

Image #

  1. <img> - self closing image tag
    1. src - path to image file.
    2. alt - text for image file, displayed if image is unavailable
    3. width - in px
    4. height - in px
    5. title - tooltip upon hover
  2. <figure></figure> - used when image has a caption associated with it.
  3. <figcaption></figcaption> - to add caption to image. Used in conjunction only inside a figure tag - one inside one

Example - figure tag is immensely helpful.

  <img src="myCat.jpg" />
  <figcaption>My Cat</figcaption>

Video #

Audio #

mAid - self closing tags don’t have a text content.

iframe #

A note on path #