3. DOM events #

Created Sunday 12 July 2020

Add event listener - using HTML and JS #

Many UI event handlers are available as attributes. The attribute value can be JS code.

<script src="path-to-js"></script>
<button onsubmit="clickHandler(event)">Click me</button>

<button onsubmit="console.log('Hello')">Click me</button> <!-- this is fine too-->
// attached JS file
function clickHandlerFunc (event) {}

Note: It’s weird to pass the param in HTML (event) but it’s needed and works.

Add event listener - using JS only #

// way 2 - from JS alone
const uiNode = document.querySelector('...')
function clickHandlerFunc () {}
uiNode.addEventListener('click', clickHandlerFunc); 
// click is the event, the function will run when the event happens

// f recieves the "event" object automatically as first argument
// this object has the `target` (element that got triggered), and other keys and functions

Some more events #

  1. 'click'
  2. 'keypress', event.which = 13 for enter(ASCII code)
  3. 'mouseover'
  4. 'mouseout'
  5. 'input' - triggered when value of the element changes


event param #

The callback function can have a parameter which is set by JS once the event occurs. Some important attributes of this event parameter are:

  1. tagName - returns tag name in all caps, a string.
  2. target - returns the host object
  3. preventDefault. Browsers usually a default behavior when an event occurs. Even if we our own event handler, the browser behavior will still take place. Sometimes, it’s important to cancel the browser behavior. This can be done easily by calling event.preventDefault() before running any custom code in our function.
    • Usage example - prevent navigation on form submit:
    <!-- script attaching code here-->
    <form onsubmit="formHandler(event)"></form>
    function formHandler(event){
    	event.preventDefault(); // prevents default "navigation" behavior of the browser
    	// custom code
    • Usage example - prevent bubbling of click event:
    function myClickHandlerOnComplexNode(event) {
    	event.stopPropagation(); // prevent imprecise register and cascade effects
    	// custom code