2. DOM Selectors #

Created Saturday 11 July 2020

Element Selectors #

To get the element object(call it eObj)

  1. getElementsByTagName('arg') - returns a list of element objects with the ‘arg’ tag. e.g all <p>, all s
  2. getElementsByClassName('arg') - returns a list of element objects with class ‘arg’.
  3. getElementById('arg') - returns the element object with ‘arg’ as id. singular(no s)
  1. document.querySelector('selector') - returns the first element which matches the ‘selector’.
  2. document.querySelectorAll('selector') - returns the list of all elements which match the ‘selector’.


Attribute Selectors #

Assuming we’ve got the eObj, and now want the attributes

  1. elementObj.getAttribute('attribute'); //prints the attribute value

  1. elementObj.setAttribute('attribute', 'newvalue'); // change the attribute

  1. We can access and change inline style attributes directly by doing elementObj.style.backgroundColor = 'red'. But it is discouraged as it violates the principle of separation of concerns.

is equivalent to Note: .style won’t be able to acesss external CSS.

  1. Because an element can have multiple classes, we have special properties for it:
    1. eObj.className = 'newname'; if there’s only one class
    2. `eObj.classList; returns a read only list of classnames. It has 3 useful functions
      1. eObj.classList.add('new_class');
      2. eObj.classList.remove('remove_class');
      3. eObj.classList.toggle('class name'); toggles the presence of a class.

Content Selectors - Change content in the tag or input #

  1. eObj.innerHTML = 'New content'; ignores unused tags, <code></code> is invisible. Susceptible to scripting attacks
  2. eObj.textContent = 'New verbatim text'; <code></code> will appear verbatim here.
  3. eObj.value; // for input tags like text, file etc

Relative selectors #

  1. eObj.parentElement - the parent element
  2. eObj.children - a list of the children elements
  3. eObj.firstElementChild
  4. eObj.nextElementSibling and eObj.previousElementSibling
  5. eObj.contains(eObj2) - check if node eObj contains eObj2