4. Forms #

Created Tuesday 01 September 2020

FIXME why, how and what of

Major form tags #

  1. Form - <form></form> - encloses the whole form

  2. Field - <input type />. Works as text input, number input, checkbox, radio, file upload, date input etc.

  3. Field label - <label for="x"></label> - used before/after/enclosing an input, the value displayed. Non-optional for checkbox clickability. The for value is the same as <input id/> value.

  4. Dropdown - <select> <option value="" selected></option><option value=""></option></select> elements - the components of a dropdown.

  5. Searchable dropdown - use datalist instead of select for surrounding options, and connect datalist to a field with list attribute <input list="dataListId" />. Code example:

    <label for="browser">Choose your browser from the list:</label>
    <input list="browserDropdown" name="browser" id="browser">
    <datalist id="browserDropdown">
    <!-- datalist instead of select for surrounding option-->
      <option value="Edge">
      <option value="Firefox">
      <option value="Firefox2">
      <option value="Chrome">
      <option value="Opera">
      <option value="Safari">

kv pairs - name and value attributes #

  • name - Each form element must have a name.
  • value - attribute is skipped in HTML code if the user is going to type it.
  • name-value are passed as key-value pairs to the server on submission.
<input type="_non-text_" name="" value="">

<input /> tag attributes #

  1. name
  2. value (omit if text)
  3. type - text (default), number, email, checkbox, radio, file
  4. required -boolean attribute. Omit if optional input.
  5. optional attributes - become relevant for certain types.

<input type=""/> values #

  1. text - placeholder + maxlength
  2. submit - submit button
  3. checkbox - name + value + same id for additive linking.
  4. radio - name + value + “same id” for linking
  5. button - title + value
  6. text - placeholder + maxlength
  7. password
  8. date
  9. file
  10. color
  11. pattern - regex expression. Standard symbols, i.e. [a-z], [0-9], *, +, … New in HTML5
  12. reset - value

<form></form> attributes #

  • Form tag has 2 attributes

    1. action="url_to_submit_data_to" will be triggered when submit is clicked. Default value is the same as current URL.
    2. method= "GET" | "POST" - POST is more secure. Default is GET.
  • For SPA’s like React or even for vanilla JS web apps, neither of the above are useful. instead the onsubmit attribute (event handler) is useful. The form data is available as a param here, but care must be taken to prevent default behavior of navigating on submit ```html

  • <script>
      function spaSubmitHandler(event) {
        // disables default HTML behavior of navigation on submit
        event.target.value.firstName; // value of input name="firstName"

Radio - <input type="radio" /> #

<!-- Simplest, but there are no labels-->
<!-- Name is the same since only one pair will be formed-->
<!-- `checked` means default selection. it's optional -->
<input type="radio" name="gender" value="male" checked>
<input type="radio" name="gender" value="female">
<input type="radio" name="gender" value="other">
<!-- Practical, has labels-->
<!-- Label becomes a CTA too - by adding labels properly (label.for and input.id), clicking the label also triggers the radio, there's no need to click the radio itself exactly-->
<label for="maleLabel">Male</label>
<input type="radio" name="gender" value="male" checked id="maleLabel">

<label for="femaleLabel">Female</label>
<input type="radio" name="gender" value="female" id="femaleLabel">

<label  for="otherLabel">Other</label>
<input type="radio" name="gender" value="other" id="otherLabel">

Checkbox - <input type="checkbox" /> #

<!-- Simplest, but there are no labels-->
<!-- Name is the same since all have the same purpose (are on the same list) -->
<!-- `checked` means default selection. it's optional -->
<input type="checkbox" name="meal" value="burger">
<input type="checkbox" name="meal" value="fries">
<input type="checkbox" name="meal" value="soda">
<!-- Practical, has labels-->
<!-- Label becomes a CTA too - by adding labels properly (label.for and input.id), clicking the label also triggers the radio, there's no need to click the radio itself exactly-->
<label for="burgerLabel">Burger</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="meal" value="burger" checked id="burgerLabel">

<label for="friesLabel">Fries</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="meal" value="fries" id="friesLabel">

<label  for="sodaLabel">Soda</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="meal" value="soda" id="sodaLabel">

Form validations #

FIXME - add basic validation. Note about validation (JS code) in SPAs and how to structure the code.

File uploads #

FIXME add basics about file upload. multi/single. folder upload. JS for custom mimetypes and working with FormData construct of browserJS.

Accessibility principles for form #

  1. Use the fieldset tag to enclose option tags.
  2. Use the legend tag to ask the question inside the fieldset.