5. Table #

Created Tuesday 01 September 2020

Tags of table #

  1. table- basic table tag
  2. tr - row of table
  3. Cells
    1. td - tag for enclosing a usual data cell.
    2. th - tag for enclosing a header cell, i.e this is only used inside thead
  4. Sections - optional.
    1. thead- head of the table, containing headings
    2. tbody - body of the table, containing cells
    3. tfoot - the foot of the table, contains appendices and/or legends.

Code example

			<th>Name</th> <th>Rank</th>
			<td>Optimus</td>   <td>Leader</td>
			<td>Bumblebee</td> <td>Lieutenant</td> 

Heading Scope #

FIXME - to be included or not. See https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_th_scope.asp and https://www.codecademy.com/courses/learn-html/lessons/html-tables/exercises/table-headings

Row and column spans attributes #

In the diagram here

Border attrbute #

FIXME, to be included or not. I’ll use CSS anyways. Can set this to some integer value, for the table outline.