6. Dijkstra’s Algorithm #

Created Sunday 26 April 2020

Given a graph, directed or undirected with weights. Should not have NEGATIVE weights.


  1. Pick a vertex from the **unvisited **vertices with the least distance from the start. These may be non-neighbours.
  2. Explore it, i.e update the distance value of a neighbour if distance(curr->neighbour) + distance(start->curr) < distance(start->neighbour). Also update it’s parent(or predecessor). Do this for all the unvisited neighbours. We have confidence in our **greedy algo. **Greedy Choice Property. (No reconsiderations)
  3. After we have explored all the vertices, stop.
  4. We can trace the path too.
  5. Visual aid - A table with <visited, vertex, distance_from_start, parent> + is_visited_array.


Time Complexity is O(V^2^) - for adjacency matrix